Tantra in the Captain’s Chair by Kevin Wikse.
This practice builds off the purification of your five elemental forces when reciting “Om Nama Shivaya.” Vimana Tantra Kevin WIkse
Astralnaut. Reality Architect. Lucid Dream Artificer.
This practice builds off the purification of your five elemental forces when reciting “Om Nama Shivaya.” Vimana Tantra Kevin WIkse
“In a large meeting or conference room, I read the plans for “OPERATION DEEP SEED.” Remote Viewing Kevin Wikse.
“What is it you do”? a question sent to Kevin Wikse by a Remote Viewer after reading his blogposts.
Metal Element with Kevin Wike. The Metal element is 1/5th of the Daoist system of the Pancha Tattwa Shuddi or 5 elemental purifications.