Tantra in the Captain’s Chair by Kevin Wikse.
This practice builds off the purification of your five elemental forces when reciting “Om Nama Shivaya.” Vimana Tantra Kevin WIkse
Astralnaut. Reality Architect. Lucid Dream Artificer.
This practice builds off the purification of your five elemental forces when reciting “Om Nama Shivaya.” Vimana Tantra Kevin WIkse
You will need a Vimana or vehicle to explore the astral expertly. This mantra will empower your astral Vimana. Astral Vimana Kevin Wikse.
Kapala Bhati Kevin Wikse. The following is essential, meaning mandatory, pranayama or “breath and energy” on orders of Veera Ganapati.
Vimana building Kevin Wikse. In the Tantric lineage I hold, our great work is building of an astral Vimana to summon a physical one.
Lord Ganesha Mantra as was transmitted to Kevin Wikse for initiatory means into Vimana Tantra Sookshm Ka school of metaphysics.
Vimana Vajra Baguazhang is the signature set of Kevin Wikse based on over thirty years of dedicated practice and real-world application.
The “Fire Gua” or Rooster Shape Baguazhang as it was taught to Kevin Wikse in the early 2000s by his Sifu.
The Wood element is 1/5th of the Daoist system of the Pancha Tattwa Shuddi or 5 elemental purifications as taught to Kevin Wikse.
Psychic medium Kevin Wikse is the lead operative of the REDACTED. He oversees and directs the REDACTED operational activities, including which strategies and tactics it will employ.
Metal Element with Kevin Wike. The Metal element is 1/5th of the Daoist system of the Pancha Tattwa Shuddi or 5 elemental purifications.